So this is my page, its not much now, and don't expect it to be in the future... Its just here so you can find some cool stuff easier.  ***But now, as of  7/9/98 i'm actually adding some content (now hump my leg, peasant!)
            ***I hope you are having trouble reading this... i've just updated a bunch of stuff so have fun (damnit)

My DooM levles
A recording of my friend Tristan Fuller (Lancer) back in sixth grade (915k .wav file) (Still does not work)
 a new section!!
 a new section!!
click here to see the man behind the mask... or something
brand friggin new!!!!!!! and it *should* work!!!!!!!!!

Everything on this page made with  Editpad and Netscape Composer.  All the graphics were made by me in Adobe Photoshop with Eyecandy 3.0 and MSPaint except for the DooM logo (I stole that from some guy, hope he doesn't mind).
 Yeah, and from now on everything I add at a certain time will be noted in a different color font, that should keep you on your toes...

1998 Who's Your Daddy? Productions Ltd., Mark Baffa II (Ysalamiri), supreme big daddy.